4840-1055: Non-Research Tips for Information Science Researchers / 情報科学研究補助技法 (Summer 2024)
This lecture is offered at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Department of Information and Communication Engineering, the University of Tokyo. This lecture is tailored for graduate students majoring in information science.
- July 3: Week 12 slides are uploaded.
- July 2: The final report/presentation information is updated.
- June 26: Week 11 slides are uploaded.
- June 23: The final report/presentation information is updated. Please see the updated information below.
- June 19: Week 10 slides are uploaded.
- June 12: Week 9 slides are uploaded.
- June 5: Week 8 slides (invited talk by Prof. Seaborn) are uploaded.
- May 29: Week 7 slides (invited talk by Dr. Bando) are uploaded.
- May 22: Week 6 slides are uploaded.
- May 8: Week 5 slides are uploaded.
- May 1: Week 4 slides are uploaded.
- April 24: Week 3 slides are uploaded.
- April 20: Week 2 slides are updated.
- April 18: !!The room has been changed from #244 to #241!!
- April 17: Week 2 slides are uploaded.
- April 10: Week 1 slides are uploaded.
- March 19: The website is now online.
We will teach various skills that are not directly related to the research itself but are essential to advance research activities. These skills include writing pseudo code, creating a demo video, and managing a research community. Unfortunately, students often do not receive systematic training in these techniques. Our goal is to provide systematic training in these non-research skills during this lecture. By mastering these skills, we hope students can focus more on their research itself.
While this lecture will be in English, Japanese materials may also be distributed.
- Dates: Wednesday, 2nd period (10:25 - 12:10)
- Location: Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 2
#244#241 - Style: The lecture will be held in-person. No streaming is available.
Overview (Jp)
- 日時: 水曜2限 (10:25 - 12:10)
- 場所: 工学部新2号館
244講義室241講義室 - スタイル: 対面授業。配信はありません。
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Yusuke Matsui (The University of Tokyo) | Koya Narumi (Keio University) | Yuki Koyama (AIST) | Jun Kato (AIST) |
A similar lecture, “The Missing Semester of Your CS Education” has been created with a similar purpose and may serve as a helpful reference. Reading it is recommended before taking this lecture.
- The Missing Semester of Your CS Education (En)
- The Missing Semester of Your CS Education (Jp)
- The Missing Semester of Your CS Education (Cn)
Mid-term and/or final reports are planned. Additionally, those interested or all participants will conduct a final presentation.
Final Presentation or Report
Updated on July 2, 2024: we accept the revision for not only your paper but also your research project.
- Select two (or more) lectures from weeks 2 to 12 and revise an existing or your paper (or your research project) using the knowledge learned from each lecture. Explain the revisions made.
- Example 1: Improve the equations in the XXX paper using the knowledge learned in week 2. Additionally, improve the figures in your undergraduate thesis using the knowledge learned in week 5.
- Example 2 (added on July 2): Create a video with 3D assets for your undergraduate thesis (week 6 and 12). Additionally, revise the GitHub respository of your paper such that one can easily try it via GiHub Actions and Codespaces (week 9 and 11).
The format can be either a report or an oral presentation, all in English.
- For those who wish to give an oral presentation:
- (1) Let Matsui know by 23:59 July 5 that you want to do an oral presentation. You can DM Matsui on Slack or send Matsui an email. (Note that the available slots are approximately 10 (10 min * 10 = 100 min). If more than 10 students wish to present, it will be first-come, first-served.)
- (2) On July 10 (the day of the final presentation), give a 10-minute oral presentation.
- (3) Upload your slides (pdf) via UTOL by 23:59 July 17.
- (4) Note that you don’t need to submit a report if you give an oral presentation.
- For those who wish to submit a report:
- (1) Create a report (pdf) of about six pages. You can have supplemental materials such as videos or codes.
- (2) If you have multiple files (e.g., pdf and a video), compress all files into a single zip.
- (3) Submit the file (pdf or zip) via UTOL by 23:59 July 17.
- (4) Note that the report should follow the two-column format of the ACM Conference Proceedings.
Date (2024) | Contents | Presented by | Resources |
Week 1, Apr 10 | Introduction. Review of fundamental concepts | Yusuke, Koya, Yuki, Jun | slides |
Week 2, Apr 17 | Equations and pseudo-codes | Yusuke Matsui | slides (updated on May 17) |
Week 3, Apr 24 | Slides | Koya Narumi | slides (updated on May 22) |
Week 4, May 1 | Tables and plots | Yusuke Matsui | slides (updated on May 17) |
Week 5, May 8 | Figures | Koya Narumi | slides (updated on May 8) |
Week 6, May 22 | Videos | Koya Narumi | slides |
Week 7, May 29 | Invited Talk 1: Conducting AI Research on High-Performance Computing (HPC) Systems | Dr. Yoshiaki Bando (AIST) | slides |
Week 8, June 5 | Invited Talk 2: Research Management 101 | Prof. Katie Seaborn (Tokyo Tech) | slides |
Week 9, June 12 | GitHub in depth | Yusuke Matsui | slides |
Week 10, June 19 | Research community | Jun Kato | slides |
Week 11, June 26 | DevOps for research | Jun Kato | slides |
Week 12, July 3 | 3DCG illustrations | Yuki Koyama | slides |
Week 13, July 10 | Final presentations | - | xxx |